Sensual Healing Sessions (SHS)

Sex Coaching with sensual pleasure in mind

Explore your sex life and sensuality concerns in-depth; get helpful feedback with actionable steps such as; affirmation + accountability, movement practices and personalized affirmations (recordings available), and one-on-one talk sessions. Certified Sexologist and Sensual Educator, Ari Antwine BA, ACS, PHA, can help you reconcile and reclaim your sexuality.

Through a customized coaching path, you can gain the sexual knowledge, skills, and communication tools necessary to overcome your deepest sex concern(s), and become the sensual & sexually-fulfilled human you’ve always wanted to be — even when you’re NOT having sex!

First time considering a sex coach? What to expect

Is coaching for me?

SHS is for you if…

  • You are fed up with NOT having the pleasure you desire or deserve

  • You’ve ever said these to yourself: “I want to be in the driver’s seat of my sex life!”, “I wish I could orgasm with my partner/at all”, “I want sex that is more sensual (or x,y,z)— but how do I get it???”

  • You have trouble masturbating, orgasming, or struggle with body confidence in the sack

  • You’ve never had sex or masturbated, but desire a sensual connection with yourself and a roadmap

  • You are unsure about your sexuality // sexual orientation (queer or questioning) or are just beginning to figure out your sexual identity

  • You have trouble setting or keeping sexual boundaries

  • You are going through a sexual ‘exploration phase’ or transition and you need expert to bounce ideas off

  • You don’t have anyone to talk to about your sexual issues, sexual dysfunction, or an unconventional kink/fantasy

  • You want REAL-LIFE (not airy-fairy) advice that may not be sugar-coated, but will light a fire under your ass!

  • You are ready and willing to invest in your sex life — perhaps for the first time ever!

SHS is NOT for you if…

  • You haven’t thought twice about how sex could be better or more fulfilling for you or your partner(s)

  • You cannot dedicate 50 uninterrupted minutes to regular sessions

  • You have no issues masturbating or self-pleasuring

  • Your relationship with porn or sex is healthy and does not cause yourself or others discomfort

  • You can achieve orgasm — and do often! With AND without partners!

  • You are very confident in your sexuality. You don’t desire any vast changes or disruptions to your sex life at the moment (Good for you, truly!)

  • You only try new things if you know you will excel at them

  • You already have a shame-free community or a professional resource whom you speak to regularly about your sex life/sexual concerns.

  • You just want a ‘cool-friend-type’ to talk all about SEX with. (Sorry — we are here to transform, not to chit-chat)

  • You cannot yet make the investment — the time, money, or energy — that it will take to dramatically transform your sex life (and that’s okay!)

Ready to begin? Fill out the Coaching Inquiry form to book your Clarity Call


  1. Why choose a Sex Coach & not a Sex Therapist?

    Sex Coaches work with clients in a 1x1 setting creating goals with actionable steps to move forward from current pertinent sexual issues. While a Sex Therapist (as a Licensed Mental Health Professional, or LMHP), may dive into past trauma using different therapeutic methods to resolve sex issues that cause clients dispair or deep discomfort from the past.

    Sex Therapists should be used for any medical diagnosis or if Mental Health is the main priority of the client.

    A Sex Coach’s advice is given from the lens of prioritizing a healthier sex life and relationship to one’s own sexuality.

    Sex Coaches should be used if/when a client desires motivation, accountability, and personal challenges necessary to transform a specific area of their life for a certain period of time, in this case — one’s sex life.

  2. Why don’t you accept insurance?

    Coaches have a private pay structure that is not reimbursable by the health care system. Private Pay only.

  3. Why does it cost [X amount] to work 1:1 with a Coach?

    The value of a coach lies in their combined experience, their interdisciplinary methods, and their ability to transform your life path significantly. One on One client work is not for the faint of heart — Client or Coach — so what YOU invest is matched by the Coach. If the investment of coaching does not match the value of these changes for you, maybe a recorded workshop, dance class with Ari, or designer group coaching experience is for you!

  4. What results can I expect from working with a Coach?

    After working with a Coach, you can expect a clear direction to take your sex life with deliberate steps for success in your area of improvement. You will hopefully discover the tools and confidence which will seep into other parts of your life, for a more fulfilling and desire-driven life.

    Clients report newfound body confidence, healing from sexual shame or trauma*, and a renewed sense of self after working with Ari. Check out these testimonials!

  5. Why should I start this now? Can’t it wait?

    Your sensual + sexual transformation and when you tend to it is YOUR choice completely. But waiting for the perfect moment when you are ready to change is probably part of what brought you here. Why not begin now???

Ready to take control of your sex life?